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n. (plural of claymore English)

Usage examples of "claymores".

There was a severe shortage of claymores, which was a problem because they are excellent for defense and .

The VC were at the mouth of the alleyway up on the roofs behind the walls, and when the deuce and-a-half came down the alleyway, they let by the first jeep and then they either set off Claymores or rockets.

Because they lay this on the ground, here were these Claymores all pointed toward our camp.

They brought a picnic and she showed him the demicaverns, the hidden beach, the claymores stuck in the floor.

They got some nasty stuff out on the perimeter too, remote Claymores, lasers, Bouncing Bettys, crossfire traps.

If they came as close as the kill zone of the claymores, which were positioned as a protection of last resort, we'd just have to initiate the contact.

Even the claymores remained because we didn't have time to pick them up.

I'd say they were area protection devices--they would have found the claymores, which would add weight to my story.

Bru and the other Americans with their Bru teams had to sleep outside the wire in front of their Claymores, in front of their machine guns, in front of their bunker system all night because they wouldn't allow us inside.