Clavulina is a genus of fungi in the family Clavulinaceae, in the Cantharelloid clade (order Cantharellales).. Species are characterized by having extensively branched fruit bodies, white spore print, and bisterigmate basidia (often with secondary septation). Branches cylindrical or flattened, blunt, pointed or crested at apex. Hyphae with or without clamps. Basidia cylindrical to narrowly clavate, mostly with two sterigmata which are large and strongly incurved. Spores subspherical or broadly ellipsoid, smooth, thin-walled, each with one large oil drop or guttule. The genus contains approximately 45 species with a worldwide distribution, primarily in tropical regions. Species of Clavulina are mostly ecto mycorrhizal. A recent study has identified Clavulina to the genera level as present on Nothofagus menziesii adventitious roots
Clavulina is an aggulinated benthic foraminiferan with an elongate test. The early stage is triserial and triangular in section, the later stage uniserial and rectilinear, with angular to rounded section. In some species agglutinated walls have considerable calcareous cement. Septa are secondarily doubled as a result of imperforate floors, which are added as new chambers are formed. Walls contain fine bifurcating canaliculi within, openings of which are sealed internally by an inner organic lining, and externally by the imperforate surface layer of the wall. The aperture is interiomarginal in the early triserial stage, terminal and rounded in the adult.
The genus Clavulina was named by d'Orbigny, 1826. It is included in the textulariid family, Valvulinidae and is cosmopolitan in distribution, with a range extending from the Paleocene to now.