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n. (plural of clavichord English)

Usage examples of "clavichords".

Valance led him into a room in which there stood two clavichords of great delicacy and lightness.

He was partial to handicrafts and had himself built several pianos and clavichords in the ancient style.

I bought an entrance ticket to Snowshill Manor, now in the hands of the National Trust but from 1919 to 1956 the home of an eccentric character named Charles Wade, who devoted his life to accumulating a vast and unfocused assortment of stuff, some of it very good, some of it little more than junk - clavichords, microscopes, Flemish tapestries, snuff and tobacco boxes, maps and sextants, samurai armour, penny-farthing bicycles, you name it - until he had filled his house so full that there was no room left for him.