Claudius Claudianus, usually known in English as Claudian (; c. 370 – c. 404 AD), was a Latin poet associated with the court of the emperor Honorius at Mediolanum (Milan), and particularly with the general Stilicho. His work, written almost entirely in hexameters or elegiac couplets, falls into three main categories: poems for Honorius, poems for Stilicho, and mythological epic.
Usage examples of "claudian".
A splendid funeral procession was prepared for Drusus, in which the statues of Attus Clausus, the Sabine chief, the founder of the Claudian Gens, and of AEneas, and the Alban kings, were carried side by side, thus recalling the memories of the early regal dynasty, as well as of the severe founders of the Republic.
The golden palace of Nero excited a just indignation, but the vast extent of ground which had been usurped by his selfish luxury was more nobly filled under the succeeding reigns by the Coliseum, the baths of Titus, the Claudian portico, and the temples dedicated to the goddess of Peace, and to the genius of Rome.
The Claudian family had been particularly active, I noticed, in these forgeries.
There is a popular ballad, still sometimes sung by old people, of which the refrain is that the Claudian tree bears two sorts of fruit, the sweet apple and the crab, but that the crabs outnumber the apples.
And the balladist says that of the Claudian women too, some are apples and some are crabs, but that again the crabs outnumber the apples.
I CAME OF AGE, TIBERIUS HAD LATELY BEEN ordered by Augustus to adopt Germanicus as his son, though he already had Castor as an heir, thus bringing him over from the Claudian into the Julian family.
If he is sufficiently sound in mind and body to be eventually recognized as a reputable member of the family-as I believe he is, or I would not have adopted both Tiberius and Germanicus and left him as head of the senior branch of the Claudian house-then obviously he should be taken in hand and given the same opportunities for advancement as Germanicus.
Livia was of the Claudian family, one of the most ancient of Rome, and so was my grandfather.
X WHEN I CAME OF AGE, TIBERIUS HAD LATELY BEEN ordered by Augustus to adopt Germanicus as his son, though he already had Castor as an heir, thus bringing him over from the Claudian into the Julian family.
Of course I am not enamored of any of the Claudian Marcelli, as you know.
He completed the Claudian aqueduct, begun by Caligula, and built a fort and light-house at Ostia, and a tunnel from Lake Lucinus to the River Liris.
His two preceptors, Seneca and Burrus, controlled his mind, and restrained for a time the constitutional insanity of the Claudian race.
Decline of letters 344 Epic poetry--Lucan 344 Silius Italicus 344 Claudian 345 Persius, Juvenal 345 Martial 346 History--Velleius Paterculus 346 Valerius Maximus 346 Tacitus 347 Quintus Curtius 347 Rhetoric--Seneca the elder 348 Quintilian 348 Appuleius 349 Philosophy--Seneca 349 The elder Pliny 349 His nephew 350 Grammarians--Macrobius 350 Marcellinus 350 Legal writers--Gains 350 Science and art 351 LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS.
When Little Boots was born there were five males of Julian or Claudian blood, any one of whom might reasonably have been expected to succeed to the imperial purple upon the death of Tiberius rather than this child.
Barbarian has been imperfectly preserved in the verses of Claudian, since the poet, who celebrates his virtue, has omitted the mention of his name.