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a. (context informal English) Tending to cause a clatter; noisy and possibly cumbersome.


adj. a rattling sound as of hard things striking together; "a clattering typewriter"; "the clattering sound of dishes" [syn: clattering]

Usage examples of "clattery".

He was in the Old Town, riding in one of the clattery electric tramcars and gazing with interest at the people he was crowded in with.

There was a small piano in this room, a clattery, wheezy, asthmatic thing, certainly the very worst miscarriage in the way of a piano that the world has seen.

Grannach padding fleet, the two Matawaye uneasy followers after their rescuer hosts, the horses trotting clattery loud behind, fretful at their strange surroundings.

All his words were poor clattery English like a stutterrer at the front of the class.

They traipsed across the clattery shingles onto the thick mattress of dead winter grass and he let her pass before him through the break in some scraggly, weed-choked irises and bridal wreath that edged the yard.

Above the clattery racket of the machinery that worked the moving stairway I heard thumping footfalls getting closer.