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classical arabic

n. Classical Arabic (CA) is the form of the Arabic language used in literary texts in 7th to 9th centuries. It is based on the Medieval dialects of Arab tribes. It is the language of Qur'an.

Classical Arabic

Classical Arabic (CA), also known as Quranic Arabic or occasionally Mudari Arabic, is the form of the Arabic language used in literary texts from Umayyad and Abbasid times (7th to 9th centuries). It is based on the medieval dialects of Arab tribes. Modern Standard Arabic (MSA) is the direct descendant used today throughout the Arab world in writing and in formal speaking, for example, prepared speeches, some radio broadcasts, and non-entertainment content. While the lexis and stylistics of Modern Standard Arabic are different from Classical Arabic, the morphology and syntax have remained basically unchanged (though MSA uses a subset of the syntactic structures available in CA). The vernacular dialects, however, have changed more dramatically. In the Arab world, little distinction is made between CA and MSA, and both are normally called al-fuṣḥá (‎) in Arabic, meaning 'the most eloquent (Arabic language)'.

Because the Quran is in Classical Arabic, the language is considered by most Muslims to be sacred.