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vb. (context archaic English) (en-past of: clap)

Usage examples of "clapt".

I started up in the greatest hast imaginable, and in a trice clapt my Ladder to the middle Place of the Rock, and pull’d it after me, and mounting it the second Time, got to the Top of the Hill, the very Moment, that a Flash of Fire bid me listen for a second Gun, which accordingly, in about half a Minute I heard.

Now gan the golden Phoebus for to steepeHis fierie face in billowes of the west,And his faint steedes watred in Ocean deepe,Whiles from their iournall labours they did rest,When that infernall Monster, hauing kestHis wearie foe into that liuing well,Can high aduance his broad discoloured brest,Aboue his wonted pitch, with countenance fell,And clapt his yron wings, as victor he did dwell.

I purchased the concern, And clapt it i’ my poke, having given for same By way o’ chop, swop, barter or exchange - ‘Chop’ was my snickering dandiprat’s own term - One shilling and fourpence, current coin o’ the realm.