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n. (plural of clam English)


n. informal terms for money [syn: boodle, bread, cabbage, dinero, dough, gelt, kale, lettuce, lolly, lucre, loot, moolah, pelf, scratch, shekels, simoleons, sugar, wampum]


CLaMS (Chemical Lagrangian Model of the Stratosphere) is a modular chemistry transport model (CTM) system developed at Forschungszentrum Jülich, Germany. CLaMS was first described by McKenna et al. (2000a,b) and was expanded into three dimensions by Konopka et al. (2004). CLaMS has been employed in recent European field campaigns THESEO, EUPLEX, TROCCINOX SCOUT-O3, and RECONCILE with a focus on simulating ozone depletion and water vapour transport.

Major strengths of CLaMS in comparison to other CTMs are

  1. its applicability for reverse domain filling studies
  2. its anisotropic mixing scheme
  3. its integrability with arbitrary observational data
  4. its comprehensive chemistry scheme

Usage examples of "clams".

They were sharing a huge bowl of Manila clams and a Caesar salad, and to anyone who looked their way they certainly seemed to be having a time of it.

She not only had to keep the peace among her own galaxy of Families but continually to fend off the advances of Dom's bitter enemy, Bad Clams Leonforte, who, now that Dom was dead, was avariciously bent on expanding his domain from the West Coast eastward.

He had been minting the store while she had been busy battling Bad Clams and continuing Dom's business partnership with Mikio Okami.

Smart and perhaps half-mad, Bad Clams ruled the West Coast families without quarter or remorse.

It was a daring and dangerous plan, but it was their only chance to bring Bad Clams down.

He put on a sour glance as he saw Bad Clams seating Vesper next to him at the large round table.

Bad Clams said with what Vesper thought was an inordinate amount of glee.

The limo came to a halt just inside the iron gates while Bad Clams slipped down a window, said, "New blood.

It was Vesper's experience that men coveted most what they could not have, so it had come as no surprise to her when Bad Clams had cut the luncheon short to invite her home.

Vesper looked over at Bad Clams, who was staring at her with such fixed intensity it would have made her blood run cold had she not been prepared for him.

Not that that would mean anything to a sport like Bad Clams Leonforte.

Bad Clams asked rhetorically as he strode to the stack of matte-black audiovideo equipment that glowed like the control in an airplane cockpit.

Bad Clams slipped the disc into the player, and Multigan's elegant baritone sax drifted through the room.

Now, dancing groin to groin with Bad Clams Leonforte, Vesper's old fear of losing control welled up once again, threatening to strangle her.

It occurred to her that no matter how much power Bad Clams had managed to muster, he would still need help-from inside her own Family.