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n. One who digs for clams.

Usage examples of "clammer".

Pavilion Key and arrange for a clammer to take them home, up Chatham River.

They used a little shovel, though a regular clammer uses a short-handled hoe, digging the wet earth away much as a farmer digs away the earth from a hill of potatoes.

In and out they went, over the course, now and then pausing to speak some clammer, but getting no information, save in one or two instances.

Other clammers had heard the commotion and finally reached them, gathering round, voices raised in excited questions that the three young men tried to answer all at once, suddenly realizing they were the center of attention.

That is why I offer herewith none of my own kitchen inventions, but some recipes kindly provided, after much coaxing, by the crew of the Zachs Inlet Coast Guard Station, visiting clammers and miscellaneous inhabitants of Great South Bay and the open spaces thereabouts and appertaining.

Now they sat on deck, as much out of the wind as possible, and looked at the drifting boats and at the clammers in their dorries.

But he would know how to organize a corps of fishermen and clammers to make a search, if needed.

Then he said quickly they would not come in, thanks, they were just on their way to catch Captain Collier, who would carry them south on the Eureka to Pavilion Key and arrange for a clammer to take them home, up Chatham River.

They struck gold when veteran clammer Wilbur Riley offered his services and showed our team the site where, during an effort to retrieve his tongs, which had caught and hung on a submerged object, he had pulled up artifacts from the Civil War era.