adv. In a clairvoyant way; by means of clairvoyance.
Usage examples of "clairvoyantly".
When I looked at the symbol, I clairvoyantly perceived the void that I had seen before: the silent, dark, cold emptiness of a postnuclear world.
I perceived clairvoyantly when I looked at the symbol of dark lightning.
Not quite clairvoyantly I sensed that another search of the powerhouse was under way.
However, a few minutes later I became aware of a spirit figure in the room and clairvoyantly I saw a Roman in full battle order standing behind Mrs.
If and when one or more of your guides wish to introduce themselves to you, through the medium clairvoyantly, they will do so.
I visited the castle as a young man, I saw clairvoyantly several of the old chiefs standing there, grim and dark faced men from the spirit world, in their red tartans and plaids, with shields and battle axes, and staring straight at me.
I looked closely at her and saw something strange about her neck, and gradually the answer came to me, for Wise Owl showed me clairvoyantly the front page of a newspaper.
Watching the circle clairvoyantly, I saw him being brought into the centre of the circle by the guides.