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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary

1889, civvies, short for civilian clothes (see civilian (adj.)); in reference to civilian clothes of military men.


n. civilian, someone not in the military

Usage examples of "civvy".

Nothing could ever break the bond, whatever the crap Civvy Street threw at you.

He had in the end overstepped their rules, even though they were now in Civvy Street.

Joanna held the phone with one hand and eased the Civvy onto the roadway with the other.

If coming out into civvies had been a shock to Dillon, it must have been traumatic for Harry, like being severed from the umbilical cord all over again.

Through the platform binoculars Joe watched a heavy man in uniform and a gaunt man in civvies pacing in the headlights of a sedan outside the South-10,000 shelter.

The civvies were straight down into the foot wells of their vehicles and quite rightly so.

What were the soldiers going to do, I wondered-just let the civvies have me?

The media types seem to feel more comfortable talking to people in civvies, so we oblige.

Since Monday night, he had been packing civvies over to the boat club after work instead of coming back to the house in malodorous sweats.

Messinger double-checked to see that Sergeant First Class De- Laney, her crew chief, had properly strapped in the secretary and the major in civvies, smiled at them both, and then got back in the right seat.

And nobody remembering that Foster figured the civvies would chill us--and he was right.

Patty and Riel in civvies, flanked by the stiff spines of a couple of Mounties in plainclothes.

I saw Stan Kenton huddled with Misty June Christy, Mickey Cohen, Mayor Bowron, Ray Milland and a shitload of high brass in civvies.

The men, dressed in civvies, walked the dogs up and down the street in town, creating plenty of interest but no untoward incidents.

Inside the place, men and women in uniforms, civvies, suits, party outfits, and work clothes milled and clamored, holding sixpacks in their teeth, balancing children and monster-size snack bags, reading magazines and tabloids, all, it seemed, looking to get checks cashed.