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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
civil defence
▪ The country has made few preparations for civil defence.
▪ These difficulties were greatly exacerbated by poor civil defence planning.

Usage examples of "civil defence".

There were more maps around the walls, coloured pins indicating what could only have been other Civil Defence centres and contact points.

He went on, 'If you was a gent making banging machinery for the government, machinery of all shapes and sizes, from the little ones that start the hundred yards free-style at Wembley to the big sort that features on the artwork of Civil Defence recruiting literature .

I heard later that some of the civil defence wardens tried to stop them and question them.

The raid of 8 April 1941 was selected not only because Dr Johnson was known to have been in it, as an AFS surgeon in civil defence, but also because the four waves of bombers - giant Heinkels - that bombed Coventry that night were the largest number of Nazi bombers used in any one raid.

The Secretaries of State and Defence were at his right and left hand respectively, and between them and the service chiefs the intervening seats were occupied by the heads of Atomic Energy Commission, Central Intelligence Agency, Civil Defence, and F.

The Civil Defence authorities had given them a taste for large conflagrations, and now they were to have a hill on fire in their own backyard.

In fact, I've got a meeting with - well, all sorts of people: heads of the National Health Service, Security, Civil Defence.

In fact, I've got a meeting with well, all sorts of people: heads of the National Health Service, Security, Civil Defence.

Cutting the long story short, Civil Defence as it came to be called absorbed the whole of my leisure for the next eight years.

Ploiesti, even today, all these years later, and mention Civil Defence.

Go to Ploiesti, even today, all these years later, and mention Civil Defence.

Under the 1948 Reich Civil Defence Law, every new building had to be equipped with a bomb shelter.

Giresci, working for the Civil Defence, had seen the house bombed, entered the blazing ruin and tried to free Faethor —.

Giresci, working for the Civil Defence, had seen the house bombed, entered the blazing ruin and tried to free Faethor to no avail.