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The Collaborative International Dictionary

cither \cither\ n. a musical instrument resembling a harp with strings stretch over a flat sounding box; the zither. It is played with a plectrum and with fingers.

Syn: zither, zithern.


n. (alternative form of cittern English)

  1. n. a musical stringed instrument with strings stretch over a flat sounding box; it is laid flat and played with a plectrum and with fingers [syn: zither, zithern]

  2. a 16th century musical instrument resembling a guitar with a pear-shaped soundbox and wire strings [syn: cittern, cithern, citole, gittern]

Usage examples of "cither".

They began playing water on the buildings to cither side, neither of which had yet caught fire.

Now, when two languages present analogous systems, one must to be able to decide cither that one of them is derived from the other, or that they have both issued from a third, from which they have each developed systems which are partly different and also partly analogous.

And none on a narrow cliff path around a headland cither, if my journey was anything to go by.

The orchestra was just beginning a number slower than the others had been, and she realized that he had waited and chosen his moment cither that or bribed the orchestra.

She was no longer sure cither of Tirtha or what Tirtha might do or become.

No British doctor, cither of the Navy or Army, had been willing to serve at this illegal ceremony which could well lead to courts-martial for everyone involved.

Arcachon to Caen, but that was by daylight and without needing to avoid cither predatory bandits or patrolling provosts.

The orchestra was just beginning a number slower than the others had been, and she realized that he had waited and chosen his moment cither that or bribed the orchestra.

CHAPTER 8 Father Marin had warned Frederickson that it might take a full month for a man to walk from Arcachon to Caen, but that was by daylight and without needing to avoid cither predatory bandits or patrolling provosts.

At that moment Kady knew that she had a choice, she could cither start a blazing argument or let it die.

He cither answered the buzzer or met him outside and they walked in together.

The creek was a banker, but the track led to a plank, which, lashed to the willows on cither bank, was usually above flood-level.

The stoop was swept and two potted geraniums stood sentinel on cither side of a formidable wooden door.

That the Keroon-bred runners destined for Bcnden, Lemos, Bitra, and Nerat cither died of the plague or were not herded overland.