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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Circumcise \Cir"cum*cise\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Circumcised; p. pr. & vb. n. Circumcising.] [L. circumcisus, p. p. of circumcidere to cut around, to circumcise; circum + caedere to cut; akin to E. c[ae]sura, homicide, concise, and prob. to shed, v. t.]

  1. To cut off the prepuce of foreskin of, in the case of males, and the internal labia of, in the case of females.

  2. (Script.) To purify spiritually.


vb. (present participle of circumcise English)

Usage examples of "circumcising".

The blade speared the ground directly between his legs, missing circumcising him by inches.

The only justification offered for this slaughter is the mass murderers' claim that, in exchange for circumcising their sons and adopting a particular set of rituals, their ancestors were long before promised that this land was their land.

Reuven almost repeated the crack about circumcising Lizards, but held his tongue.

Thead had attracted nationwide notoriety in the late 1950s when he found a Jewish male who was willing to sue his parents for circumcising him as a baby.