The Collaborative International Dictionary
Circularly \Cir"cu*lar*ly\, adv. In a circular manner.
adv. In a circular way.
adv. in a circular manner
Usage examples of "circularly".
Like amino acids, circularly polarized light comes in either left or right orientations, and will preferentially break up molecules of the opposite hand.
Researchers using the Anglo-Australian Telescope have found star-forming regions bathed in circularly polarized light, and we may owe our existence to the sun itself being formed in such a region.
The Snake which moveth circularly makes his spires in like order, the convex and concave spirals answering each other at alternate distances.
And how the seeds of many pappous or downy flowers lock-up in sockets after a gomphosis or mortis-articulation, diffuse themselves circularly into branches of rare order, observable in Tragopogon or Goats-beard, conformable to the Spider's web, and the Radii in like manner telarely inter-woven.
Meanwhile obvious experience may finde, that in Plants of divided leaves above, nature often beginneth circularly in the two first leaves below, while in the singular plant of Ivy she exerciseth a contrary Geometry, and beginning with angular leaves below, rounds them in the upper branches.
The bees must have worked at very nearly the same rate on the opposite sides of the ridge of vermilion wax, as they circularly gnawed away and deepened the basins on both sides, in order to have succeeded in thus leaving flat plates between the basins, by stopping work along the intermediate planes or planes of intersection.
The bees must have worked at very nearly the same rate on the opposite side of the ridge of vermilion wax, as they circularly gnawed away and deepened the basins on both sides, in order to have succeeded in thus leaving flat plates between the basins, by stopping work along the intermediate planes or planes of intersection.
Ordinarily the Trader would accept such a challenge and engage at a fixed distance circularly, ship-to-ship, but the cutter's rockets gave it added range, and the captain dared not let it come in too close.
I seem to have got circularly round again to Eden when I enter a garden.
Twenty minutes later and the uncooperative Whitehead had failed to respond, variously, to swallowing a half bushel of grass, having his kidneys ground and punched, getting his testicles mightily squeezed, and being swung circularly in midair, this way and that, by his arms, his legs and his hair.
One potential candidate is circularly polarized ultraviolet light.
Ship's power routed into a field generator that emitted a circularly polarized field of synchrotron radiation.
A chap named Callaway, it seems, found that a circularly polarized wave makes a tight beam that will hold together forever.
That reminded him circularly of another point, the one Minos had made.