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  1. 1 publicized using circulars 2 canvassed using circulars v

  2. (en-past of: circularize)

Usage examples of "circularized".

Sariena contradicted this, stating that data collected over the past ten months by Kronian space probes showed a change in the electrical properties of the space medium sufficient to invalidate conventional models, and that calculations based on the revised model showed that orbits could indeed be circularized in the way postulated, within the requisite time frame.

One of the reasons why Terran astronomers had opposed the young-Venus theory so strongly was the problem of how it could have circularized its orbit in a mere few thousand years.

We circularized the town—putting up posters in recreation centers in an appeal to red-blooded Americans, made stump speeches, and "impressed" soldiers found in the local hot spots.

Friction with the thick interplanetary medium had almost circularized its path, and worked together with resonances to make this ever shorter.

Talking to the Bolo was an exercise in highly circularized hypermobility, a great way to get nowhere fast.

On November 26, the day that he handed it to Nomura, Tokyo circularized its major embassies with an open code.

Two passes through the atmosphere, I've got the orbit circularized, and as a free bonus, I get my plane change.