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n. (plural of circuit English)

Usage examples of "circuits".

If Izzard demanded that much, it would damage the circuits after half an hour of heating.

Down in the cockpit were Lieutenant Commander Feyley, the OOD, and an enlisted phone talker there to relay communications in parallel with the speaker circuits in case of a failure of the bridge box.

His drawl on the combat circuits was so thick as to be nearly another language.

The missile then armed its rocket motor ignition circuits as it prepared to light off its own solid rocket fuel.

Another input was connected by wire to the administrative telephone circuits, so that the Chairman of the Commission could speak to the entire city over the entertainment system without leaving his office.

He crushed them, or harnessed them to his plow, or borrowed their neural circuits for his bio-computers.

He reeled off the contents of his associative circuits relating to Larwich and his theory, reeled them off too rapidly for them to be inventions of the moment.

He held the contact, but turned away and began wading through the gentle rush of breakers while he wandered through his associative circuits concerning her.

And there is a method for arranging them in circuits without individual attention to each connection.

The circuits were a network of checks and balances, each capable, of detecting trouble in another, and of switching out the faulty elements to replace them with new circuit sections which were already set up.

The sudden thrust causes my flesh-organ to sag and grow dazed in its fluid, but its long presence has taught my mechanical circuits how to respond, and I can still feel elation athough the organ is half-asleep.

Nevertheless, the circuits controlled by my flesh-organ are trembling with involuntary pulses.

I have an independent mechanical memory that functions more efficiently than the haphazard neural circuits of the flesh-organ.

The semantics and logic circuits were assembled and made ready for use before the other circuits were even begun.

The semantics and logic circuits alone should require an even hundred kilowatts of power.