The Collaborative International Dictionary
Circean \Cir*ce"an\, a. [L. Circaeus.] Having the characteristics of Circe, daughter of Sol and Perseis, a mythological enchantress, who first charmed her victims and then changed them to the forms of beasts; pleasing, but noxious; as, a Circean draught.
a. 1 Of or pertaining to, the Greek goddess, a mythological enchantress who first charmed her victims and then changed them into animals. 2 (context by extension English) alluring but dangerous
Usage examples of "circean".
Thy lewd and Circean life shall be dragged to day--thy mumming oracles disclosed--the fane of the idol Isis shall be a byword and a scorn--the name of Arbaces a mark for the hisses of execration!
I feel as Jason might have felt, alone on the deck of the Argo when his companions were ashore, except that I know of no Circean influences to mar their destiny.
Almost menacing in her determined serenity, a dark Circean goddess had taken the place of the Mater Dolorosa.
When reflecting upon her, his thoughts would frequently glance upon Laurentina, she whose Circean charms had accomplished his overthrow, arid dwell with painful regret upon the recollection of his complicated enmes and misfortunes.
That sweet Circean witch had cast her spell on him from the first moments in the gaol.
A few more jokes: a bedraggled caryatid, an Egyptian tomb, a Greek temple that had been changed by some Circean wand into a butcher shop.
Though not indifferent to the pleasures of the table, I was far from resigning myself to the Circean life led by the generality of young military men in the Bahamas.
Before each procession marched a swineherd playing on a rustic pipe, the sounds from which primitive instrument seemed to exercise Circean enchantment upon the rude flocks.
But Cupples--from whose veins alcohol had expelled the blood, whose skull was a Circean cup of hurtful spells--would not delirium follow for him?
That sweet Circean witch had cast her spell on him from the first moments in the jail.
Clime that yet enervates with a soft and Circean spell—that moulds us insensibly, mysteriously, into harmony with thyself, banishing the thought of austerer labor, the voices of wild ambition, the contests and the roar of life.