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cinnamon stick

n. A thin piece of cinnamon bark curled up into a tube.

Usage examples of "cinnamon stick".

So, holding the cinnamon stick in one hand and picking up a tip of her pink satin skirt with the other, Lucretia Borgia looked down and said, 'I sure do think this new dress is dutiful, Master Sir.

He and his companions were relaxing in the shade of a six hundred meter high cinnamon stick.

Three spoonfuls of heather honey, the juice of a lemon, both warmed together with three cloves, a cinnamon stick and a blade of mace .

It was most soothing to his raw, dry throat and wearied nerves, though excessively aromatic -- the single black clove bobbing in the jug was large as a lime and the cinnamon stick big as one of the parchment scrolls.