Cinemala was a Malayalam comedy soap opera produced by Diana Silvester and broadcast on Asianet every Sunday at 1:30pm (IST). The show started out as a film-based satire and later began to delve into contemporary political and social issues. Its topics are current events. The characters are popular mimicry artists on Malayalam television.It has landed itself in LIMCA book of records for one of the longest running TV shows.
On 7 April 2013, Cinemala completed 1000+ episodes . Each programme lasts thirty minutes. An episode criticized the government of Kerala for not handling healthcare issues properly. The programme does not take a political side, but merely raises public awareness.Cinemala was the model was the other comedy shows that came later in many channels. But, none of them could stop the success of Cinemala. The show has popular comedy artists performing in it. So, the show has never decreased its viewers.