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The Collaborative International Dictionary
Cichorium Endivia

Endive \En"dive\, n. [F. endive (cf. Pr., Sp. Pg., & It. endivia), fr. a deriv. of L. intibus, intybus, endive.] (Bot.) A composite herb ( Cichorium Endivia). Its finely divided and much curled leaves, when blanched, are used for salad.

Wild endive (Bot.), chicory or succory.

Cichorium endivia

escarole \escarole\ n. [Fr., from OFr. scariole. fr. LL. escariola, L. escarius of food, fit to eat, esca food, fr. edere to eat.] a variety of endive ( Cichorium endivia) often used in salads, having leaves with irregular frilled edges.

Syn: endive, curly endive.

Cichorium endivia

Cichorium endivia is a species of flowering plant belonging to the genus Cichorium, which is widely cultivated as one of the species of similar bitter-leafed vegetables known as endive and escarole.

There is considerable confusion between C. endivia and C. intybus.

Cabell d'Àngel.jpg|A plant of the vegetable type sometimes distinguished as "frisée" endivia flower (2).jpg (Cichorium endivia).jpg|seedlings