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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Cicatrize \Cic"a*trize\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Cicatrized; p. pr. & vb. n. Cicatrizing.] [Cf. F. cicatriser, fr. cicatrice, L. cicatrix, scar.] (Med.) To heal or induce the formation of a cicatrix in, as in wounded or ulcerated flesh.


vb. (en-past of: cicatrize)

Usage examples of "cicatrized".

So I must lie and gaze into the seared yellow face that hung over me, for it would drop so close that I could trace the cicatrized scar running from the left ear to the corner of the mouth, and drawing up the lip like the lip of a snarling cur.

To be brief, there was no sense of pain afterward: but within five or six dayes the wounds were cicatrized, and entirely healed.