The Collaborative International Dictionary
Chuse \Chuse\, v. t. See Choose. [Obs.]
vb. (obsolete spelling of choose English)
Usage examples of "chuse".
He had likewise had the misfortune of burying this beloved wife herself, about five years before the time in which this history chuses to set out.
I could not be cordial in my invitation, but if she chuses to come no want of cordiality on my part will keep her away.
Harriet, has a certainty of being admired and sought after, of having the power of chusing from among many, consequently a claim to be nice.
I am sure there must be a particular cause for her chusing to come to Highbury instead of going with the Campbells to Ireland.
There are a sort of heroes who are supposed to be determined in their chusing or avoiding a conflict by the character and behaviour of the person whom they are to engage.
Ireland, when, chusing a genteeler walk in life, he quitted his master, came over to England, and set up that business which requires no apprenticeship, namely, that of a gentleman, in which he had succeeded, as hath been already partly mentioned.
Sophia had declared she entertained of her ladyship, by chusing her house for an asylum, she promised her all the protection which it was in her power to give.
And therewithall looking about for some cudgel, hee espied where lay a fagot of wood, and chusing out a crabbed truncheon of the biggest hee could finde, did never cease beating of mee poore wretch, until such time as by great noyse and rumbling, hee heard the doores of the house burst open, and the neighbours crying in most lamentable sort, which enforced him being stricken in feare, to fly his way.
Robinson was in ye falte who charged them never to consente to those conditions, nor chuse me into office, but indeede apointed them to chose them they did chose.
It has its name and its colour from the dung of innumerable sea-fowls, which in the Spring chuse this place as convenient for incubation, and have their eggs and their young taken in great abundance.
So far from complying with this their inclination, by which all hopes of reformation would have been abolished, and even the gate shut against her if her own inclinations should ever hereafter lead her to chuse the road of virtue, Mr.
I rather chuse to attribute the triumph to her, since, in fact, it was her design which succeeded.
If the reader pleases, therefore, we chuse rather to say she resigned which hath, indeed, been always held a synonymous expression with being turned out, or turned away.
How often have I heard you say, that children should be always suffered to chuse for themselves, and that you would let my cousin Harriet do so?
There is no reason why, amongst all the great, I should chuse to supplicate the Archbishop, nor why, among all the possible objects of his bounty, the Archbishop should chuse your son.