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n. (plural of churro English)

Usage examples of "churros".

The O-Bar Ranch had a federal allotment up on the mountain, which was all rimrock and sparse grasses well suited to the Churros, who were fiercely protective of their lambs and had a long-stapled top coat that could take the weather.

He said he remembered Churros from his childhood in the Oaxaca highlands, the rams with their four horns, two curving up, two down.

Urania had begun to drift toward the sugar-powdery churros that Barbara had cooked this morning, but paused to see what she was doing.

She lost the thought, looked around blankly, and then started toward the churros again.

Sheep were smarter than people commonly believed and the Churros smarter than other sheep she had tended, but by mid-summer the coyotes always passed the word among themselves, buen' carne, and Delia and the dogs then had a job to work, keeping the sheep out of harm's way.

It was maybe bred into the bones of Churros, a knowledge and a tolerance of mountain weather, for they shifted together and waited out the thunder with surprising composure.