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churn out

vb. (context transitive informal English) To produce a large quantity of (something) rapidly and easily.

churn out
  1. v. perform in a mechanical way

  2. produce something at a fast rate; "He churns out papers, but they are all about the same topic"

Usage examples of "churn out".

Animals with cheap self-repair and short life spans, like mice, can churn out babies much more rapidly than can expensive-to-maintain, long-lived animals like us.

The terrorist leaped for the swinging rope above him, lifted his feet, and let the empty boat churn out from under him.

Also around the world, fab lines casually churn out thirty million microprocessors a day, representing 1023 MIPS.

It should churn out three hundred to five hundred watts per turbine.

With a sharp, loud, electronic snap that startled Tina, the computer abruptly began to churn out additional data, although she hadn't requested any.

The obedient stone began to churn out piles of salt, and Ah Bong knelt down beside it frantically shovelling the salt into hessian bags.

Back before all the friendly microbes of today that cheerfully turn our garbage into high octane, nonpolluting fuel or churn out the monoclonal antibodies that cure everything from colds to cancer.

Build a few good cannons, and improve the rocketry, rather than try to churn out simple grenades.

With no one to churn out patents, you had to hire creativity, reorganize the corporate structure.

And afterward Morgan returned to his apartment and watched his programs churn out scenarios that included a new factor: a woman who believed Ari's worldview was a disease that should be eradicated from human society.