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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Churchlike \Church"like`\, a. Befitting a church or a churchman; becoming to a clergyman.


a. Resembling or befitting a church or a worship service


adj. resembling or suggesting or appropriate to a church; "churchlike silence"; "the pure fragrance of churchly incense" [syn: churchly]

Usage examples of "churchlike".

Something a bit too Churchlike for Dixon, however, a devotion to ritual and timing, the Space under-lit, what light there is as White as Wig-Powder, flowing from pure white candles, burning smoothly in the still air, and from bowls of incense close by, white Smoke in the same unwavering Ascent.

The odor rises as the rubbing goes on, a single churchlike odor of incense, ungrounded by candle-wax or human occupancy, meant for Heaven, a Fume rising in Transmutation She is shorn of all hair, from head to Crux.

The construction was vaguely churchlike: a faux apse, a faux nave with a big stained-glass window filled with blocks of rich color.

But there were unoccupied desks in the structures group and a churchlike quiet in the metals group and in the adjoining metallurgical laboratory.

They could be found anywhere in the length and breadth of the sewers, but they made their permanent homes in some of the churchlike red-brick vaults toward the east, at the confluence of many of the churning foamy waters.