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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Chronologic \Chron`o*log"ic\, Chronological \Chron`o*log"ic*al\, a. [Gr. ?.] Relating to chronology; containing an account of events in the order of time; according to the order of time; as, chronological tables.
--Raleigh. -- Chron`o*log"ic*al*ly, adv.


adv. 1 (context manner English) In a chronological manner. 2 (context sequence English) In sequence according to time.


adv. with respect to chronology; "he is chronologically older"

Usage examples of "chronologically".

The entries had apparently been logged chronologically, one by one, as Bernini created each new work.

I was rather startled to realize how many of these stories are now chronologically outdated.

A powered desk with computer-bank inputs had been installed in her hospital room, and the table to the left of it held literally hundreds of microfloppy discs, arranged by general heading in eight cartons and chronologically within them.

Although, chronologically, this may be the first time a Starfleet crew has manned such a ship, Zimmerman explains, “In the case of Star Trek, it’s a special kind of vehicle—no pun intended—for storytelling because it has such a rich history.

Though she was in her midthirties, she was, chronologically, well over a century old.

We ran into trouble, however, when I announced my plan to arrange English literature chronologically but American literature alphabetically by author.

My defense went like this: Our English collection spanned six centuries, and to shelve it chronologically would allow us to watch the broad sweep of literature unfold before our very eyes.

Newspaper pages were glued to heavy black cardboard sheets, arranged chronologically, and I flipped from February 1 to February 12 before I found what I wanted.

I thought of calling the other numbers I'd gotten from Pacific Coast Bell--then jacked that chronologically they were off-- they didn't jibe with my new knowledge of where Betty was at what time.

Sometimes the events themselves helped them to decipher where it was to be placed chronologically, but only sometimes.

It was a good arrangement for everyone, and it gave Kechara a never-ending stream of playmates who were all her mental age, even if she was chronologically six or more times older.

This makes the Tusi manuscript chronologically closer than any other to the original of Ibn Fadlan, which was presumably written around A.