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chronic bronchitis

n. a form of bronchitis characterized by excess production of sputum leading to a chronic cough and obstruction of air flow

Usage examples of "chronic bronchitis".

Weak heart, coronary thrombosis, high blood pressure, chronic bronchitis, rheumatoid arthritis all the rest of it.

The flower-stalks contain constituents similar to those of the leaves, and are directed by the British Pharmacopceia to be employed in the preparation of Syrup of Coltsfoot, which is much recommended for use in chronic bronchitis.

Given internally, it lessens mucous secretions, and is of value in bronchorrhoea gleet, leucorrhoea and chronic bronchitis, and asthma.

It is used much on the Continent for indigestion, general debility and chronic bronchitis.

An infusion of the seeds will relieve chronic bronchitis and confirmed rheumatism, and for a relaxed sore throat a gargle of Mustard Seed Tea will be found of service.

Syrup of Garlic is an invaluable medicine for asthma, hoarseness, coughs, difficulty of breathing, and most other disorders of the lungs, being of particular virtue in chronic bronchitis, on account of its powers of promoting expectoration.

He had chronic bronchitis and his constant fight for breath made him irritable and morose.

Over weight, and with a chest that sounded like a loose-strung harp, he was just the sort to die before his time from heart trouble or lung cancer or chronic bronchitis or emphysema or like as not the whole lot of them listed on his death certificate.

He always spoke in a semiwhisper, sort of strained and sometimes cracked, as though he had a case of chronic bronchitis.

Farrell is suffering from chronic bronchitis and will probably be arrested within the next few hours.

She suffered from chronic bronchitis, and the promise of a warm world eventually proved too much for her.