Crossword clues for chromosomal
a. Of or relating to chromosomes.
adj. of or relating to a chromosome; "chromosomal defect"
Usage examples of "chromosomal".
Three, on the unicellular level, the biosensor readings showed no evidence of any life with an Earth-type chromosomal structure.
The second, the minority of cases, was a permanent chromosomal attachment in the mother, a translocation trisomy, a fluke of a fluke that struck mothers of all ages equally.
DNA techniques to correct the chromosomal defects that cause such conditions.
What I did next had no connection, I believe, with my chromosomal status.
In addition to chromosomal and hormonal factors, Luce had to consider my sex of rearing, which had beenfemale .
The following illustrative case indicates that there is no preordained correspondence between genetic and genital structure, or between masculine or feminine behavior and chromosomal status.
CONCLUSION: In speech, mannerisms, and dress, the subject manifests a feminine gender identity and role, despite a contrary chromosomal status.
Fetal hormones, taking chromosomal cues, inhibit Müllerian structures, promote Wolffian ducts.
In twenty-five pages of forthright, high-toned prose, Luce argued that gender is determined by a variety of influences: chromosomal sex.
The Others unwound the dextrorotary helix, wrapped it around some of their most desirable genetic characteristics, dabbled with the cerebrospinal fluid and rewrote the chromosomal codes.
Removing most or all of the ancient viral genes, including SHEVA genes, produces gross chromosomal abnormalities following mitosis, failure of fertilized eggs to implant, early absorptions, and miscarriages.
I had been experimenting with the storage and later reconstitution of DNA segments in the chromosomal introns of an old box tortoise that I had inherited from a previous research worker.
He was sure he would find problems in cell division, nuclear and chromosomal behavior, metabolism, reproductive development and viability.
He was sure he would find problems in cell division, nuclear and chromosomal behaviour, metabolism, reproductive development and viability.
Mild cases of lead poisoning are difficult for the average general practitioner to diagnose, since you may just feel run down, but even at an early stage you may start to get chromosomal abnormalities.