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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Chromatically \Chro*mat"ic*al*ly\, adv. In a chromatic manner.


adv. In a chromatic manner.


adv. with respect to color; "chromatically pure"

Usage examples of "chromatically".

He turned to survey the chromatically coloured crowd which flowed unceasingly around and in front of the little shop, trying to gauge the proportion of wealthy tourists among the everyday populace.

The stomach squealed loud and long, and then the squeal would drop chromatically in tone until it became a low, hollow rumble.

They were both thoroughly scrubbed, shaved, cut, combed, and chromatically blinding in their formal red-and-blue Imperial parade uniforms.

It struck the ape square in its chromatically colored snout, prompting a shriek of anger and surprise.

The amalgam of natural setting, the dancing jets of chromatically colored sand, the steady stream of alien music, and the sparkling, shimmering Confection itself were mesmerizing.

From above the dull metal plating of the machine an uncountable profusion of chromatically coloured tubes ran towards the distant roof.

Now they were in a cave filled with chromatically colored formations: stalagtites, helicites, flowstone, and much more.

Among such hopeful musings Fifth-of-Medicine found time to admire the profusion of chromatically hued jungle flowers.