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This article is essentially a testimony on the work of Rouget de Lisle, visionary in its enlightened synthesis of the production of faithful works by efficient industrial means. The chromagraphy is " the art to compose a drawing by means of lines and geometrical figures and to imitate it with colored materials ", according to Rouget de Lisle. This technique described in 1839 in France, in Paris, exposes a set of methods and of processes to produce tapestries and tissues. It includes the following techniques:

  • The printing in black and in color on paper, pattern and tissues,
  • The preparation of colors and materials necessary for the draftsmen, for the colourers and the manufacturers of carpet and tapestries, classified according to a chromatic table,
  • A manufacturing process of point, innovative in 1839,
  • The art to make industrially tapestries comparable to the best tapestries in that time.