n. sweet chocolate flavored custard-like pudding usually thickened with flour rather than eggs
Chocolate puddings are a class of desserts with chocolate flavors. There are two main types: a boiled then chilled dessert, texturally a custard set with starch, commonly eaten in the U.S., Canada, Sweden, and East and South East Asia; and a steamed/baked version, texturally similar to cake, popular in the UK, Ireland, Australia, and New Zealand
Usage examples of "chocolate pudding".
There was meat loaf with boiled potatoes, red cabbage, and for dessert chocolate pudding with vanilla sauce.
Ah me, if that chocolate pudding had only had some other sauce or no sauce at all!
My parents lived deep in the burg in a narrow duplex that on a cold day like this would smell like chocolate pudding cooking on the stove.
Basilica tapped him politely on the shoulder, grunted hopefully, and made passithere motions in the direction of the halffinished dish of chocolate pudding.
Basilica tapped him politely on the shoulder, grunted hopefully, and made pass-it-here motions in the direction of the half-finished dish of chocolate pudding.
A few minutes later he cleaned out the rest of the chocolate pudding but made sure that I got most of it.