Chlorpropham (commercial names: Bud Nip, Taterpex, Preventol, Elbanil, Metoxon, Nexoval, Stickman Pistols, Preweed, Furloe, Stopgerme-S, Sprout Nip, Mirvale, Bygran, ChlorIPC, CHLOROPROPHAM, Spud-Nic, Spud-Nie, Chloro-IFK, Chloro-IPC, Keim-stop, Triherbicide CIPC) is a plant growth regulator and herbicide used as a sprout suppressant for grass weeds, alfalfa, lima and snap beans, blueberries, cane fruit, carrots, cranberries, ladino clover, garlic, seed grass, onions, spinach, sugar beets, tomatoes, safflower, soybeans, gladioli and woody nursery stock. It is also used to inhibit potato sprouting and for sucker control in tobacco. Chlorpropham is available in emulsifiable concentrate and liquid formulations.
Chlorpropham is within the maximum residue limit regulation in Germany germination inhibitors approved for the treatment of potatoes for the purpose of preservation after harvest. Chlorpropham products are approved as a germination inhibitor for potatoes in Germany, Austria and Switzerland. Chlorpropham is approved for use as a plant regulator and herbicide only on potatoes in the United States.