n. (context medicine English) A form of acne caused by exposure to halogenated aromatic hydrocarbons
Chloracne is an acne-like eruption of blackheads, cysts, and pustules associated with over-exposure to certain halogenated aromatic compounds, such as chlorinated dioxins and dibenzofurans. The lesions are most frequently found on the cheeks, behind the ears, in the armpits and groin region.
The condition was first described in German industrial workers in 1897 by Siegfried Bettmann, and was initially believed to be caused by exposure to chlorine (hence the name "chloracne"). It was only in the mid-1950s that chloracne was associated with aromatic hydrocarbons. The substances that may cause chloracne are now collectively known as chloracnegens.
Chloracne is particularly linked to toxic exposure to dioxins ( byproducts of many chemical processes, including the manufacture of herbicides such as Agent Orange)—so much so that it is considered a clinical sign of dioxin exposure. The severity and onset of chloracne may follow a typical asymptotic dose-response relationship curve.
Usage examples of "chloracne".
In between was total confusion: lobsters saturated with poison, bottom sludge that was utterly clean, clean-looking lobsters that gave massive doses of chloracne to the people who ate them.
They're all getting chloracne, they're all getting organic-chlorine poisoning.
When we walked out Gallagher's front door to get back in Bart's van, we found, waiting in the front yard, a priest with chloracne, a fire engine, a minicam crew and five adolescents with baseball bats.
Other children grew up with scarred faces and bodies from the outbreak of chloracne, the skin eruptions common to dioxin exposure.
Behind the man was a small wiry old guy with chloracne, who bore metal canister with a pump on top and a tube leading to a nozzle in his hand.