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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Chivy \Chiv"y\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Chivied; p. pr. & vb. n. Chivying.] [Cf. Chevy.] To goad, drive, hunt, throw, or pitch; to repeatedly cause annoyance or concern to. [Slang, Eng.] [Also spelled chivvy, chevy, and chevvy.]

Syn: harass, hassle, harry, beset, plague, molest, provoke.


vb. (present participle of chivy English)

Usage examples of "chivying".

But he does not stay to feed the pen chivying her game of cygnets towards the rushes.

Other skiffs attended these, chivying them on, blocking any breaks toward the north.

Looking out through the ports he saw that the last members of the shore parties were almost at the foot of the ramp, with Sergeant Washington and his Marines chivying them like sheepdogs.

He began counting the flock into the paddock aloud rather than using a physical tally as Cashel, chivying the flock from the rear, would have had to do.

Scan ran beside Maud, the red leader dog, urging her to her best pace, chivying Bunny down steep inclines when she would have taken safer routes.

Outside the entrance to the Great Hall, two young lordlings were chivying a third about a girl whom he dared not speak to.

She kept turning this way and that, but the ever-changing patterns of chivying robots clung to her like fleas, first under her belly, then over her flanks.

While Jill and Lovyan ate, the men on fortguard began trickling in in twos and threes, yawning and chivying the servant lasses.