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n. (plural of chivalry English)

Usage examples of "chivalries".

And he unquestionably should be able to live a life uncluttered by such insistent trifles as clothing conventions, unfunctional chivalries, psychic turmoils and dangerous mental and physical escapes into what the psychologists call romances.

La Mancha as the knight's country and scene of his chivalries is of a piece with the pasteboard helmet, the farm-labourer on ass-back for a squire, knighthood conferred by a rascally ventero, convicts taken for victims of oppression, and the rest of the incongruities between Don Quixote's world and the world he lived in, between things as he saw them and things as they were.

An Intention with which the great priestly orders and the vanished chivalries were in touch.

And he unquestionably should be able to live a life uncluttered by such insistent trifles as clothing convenĀ­tions, unfunctional chivalries, psychic turmoils and dangerous menĀ­tal and physical escapes into what the psychologists call romances.