Chitrmala is an Indian-American (desi) television show that airs weekly on MHz Networks. The show features Bollywood entertainment with coverage of music videos, live shows, concerts, and interviews with famous actors, actresses, musicians, and directors in the Bollywood industry. Chitrmala also showcases several professional segments where physicians, lawyers, politicians, CPAs, and others give advice to the viewers on a variety of topics through an informative interview format. MHz Networks summarizes Chitrmala as a "South Asian program spotlights celebrity entertainers from Bollywood and around the world. Though primarily produced in English, this hour-long program also features some songs and segments in Hindi". The show is produced in Washington, DC although many episodes feature footage from locations around the globe. Nilima Mehra and Mandira Nandani Mehra are the two hosts of the show. The Executive Producer of Chitrmala is Dr. Rajesh N. Mehra, who is concurrently a practicing family physician in Chantilly, Virginia. Dr. Mehra is also the Executive Producer of Salaam India, which also airs weekly on MHz Networks.