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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Chitinous \Chi"ti*nous\, a. Having the nature of chitin; consisting of, or containing, chitin.


a. Made of, pertaining to, or resembling chitin.


adj. of or resembling chitin

Usage examples of "chitinous".

The Moranth seated in the forward chitinous saddle swung its helmed head to regard them in silence.

Mahnmut had to crawl over their chitinous forms to join Mep Ahoo and Suma IV in the cramped cockpit.

The soldiers now spilled over into the narrow access corridor going forward to the cockpit itself, black-barbed rockvecs and their weapons sprawled everywhere, and Mahnmut had to crawl over their chitinous forms to join Mep Ahoo and Suma IV in the cramped cockpit.

In most of the bladders the captured animals are so much decayed that they form a pale brown, pulpy mass, with their chitinous coats so tender that they fall to pieces with the greatest ease.

They could even stand some misshaping, but the consistency, while not chitinous, was like the thickest leather and tough enough to resist anything but very direct blows.

The flat image showed an insectoid barkeeper proffering a dozen drinks with its multijointed, chitinous arms.

He modified chitinous plates on their backs so they could flick out and help the Paragons get lift during, or glide after, their leaps.

Higher on the spiral was a segmented creature whose flattened, chitinous body was longer than a fishing boat.

A creature, the tawny, chitinous original of the image Meder had raised, lurched to its hind legs.

Every surface Sharina could see was covered with tawny, chitinous bodies.

The chitinous warriors were only halfway to the tower platform, but those directed up other poles toward the lower battlements were already locked in combat with the handfuls of human defenders.

Within another leaf disintegrated remnants of a rather small animal, not a crustacean, which had simple, strong, opaque mandibles, and a large unarticulated chitinous coat, were present.

The leather helmet is tossed to a glowering Hades, and, dressed as he is in black chitinous armor of exotic design, he looks like a terrible, glowering beetle.

The figures were humanoid by way of insectoid, each about two meters tall, each covered with shiny, chitinous duraplast armor and a helmet that reflected the world around them like polished onyx.

They haplessly enter the stream of destiny, a wall of chitinous exoskeleton material sieved through the filter-feeding whales on their round-trip journeys from north to south.