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n. (plural of chirurgeon English)

Usage examples of "chirurgeons".

This time the slightly wounded men brought in the badly wounded, and most of those died while the chirurgeons were trying to help them.

He found Caudyr there ahead of them, and as they started their work, other chirurgeons came to join them and some of the servants as well.

The chirurgeons, who wanted his legend to end with a worthy death, stated that an old wound, never properly healed, had burst open.

The beauty of the poison, said the former assassin, was that symptoms were misleading, looking like a fever, which would cause chirurgeons and healing priests to attempt cures that would avail them nothing.

I mean support, food, weapons, chirurgeons, porters, boys for the luggage, commissaries, engineers.

The baggage train and the chirurgeons will catch up to us soon enough.

And there are injured women awaiting, who would be better served by the chirurgeons of Nineveh than my poor endeavors.

We were taken in by a hospice honoring the great god Zake and tended by the chirurgeons dedicated to his holy name.

The chirurgeons back in camp heard the battle begin, a distant shouting on the wind.

A message from one of the chirurgeons informed him that Alysandra would live, but it had been a close thing.