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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Chirrup \Chir"rup\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Chirruped; p. pr. & vb. n. Chirruping.] [See Chirp.] To quicken or animate by chirping; to cherup.


n. The act of producing a chirrup sound. vb. (present participle of chirrup English)

Usage examples of "chirruping".

He paused but heard nothing more than the sound of the winged life in the trees, cackling and chirruping with complete freedom.

I can hear Big Voice chirruping madly in the background behind everyone else.

Keff heard the triumphant chirruping of their high voices echoing in the empty stone corridors.

Sometimes the little queen sat on her shoulder for a few dragon lengths, chirruping sweetly.

Fire lizards reappeared in the cavern, the high notes of their chirruping a counter cadence to the low bass throb of the humming dragons.

Within seconds, a chirruping began to come from the handbag Flavia had left behind her by the table on the terrace.

Fire lizards reappeared in the cavern, the high notes of their chirruping a countercadence to the low bass throb of the humming dragons.

Filled with nesting birds and chirruping insects, they swayed in the night wind, giving motion to the garden as if it were a trough in some vast, moonlit sea.

Not too far from where Burl brooded came bright chirrupings where relatively small beetles roamed among the mushroom-forests, singing cheerfully in deep bass voices.

She deserved the scolding, and had bent before it, but her head, though bloody, was unsubdued, and her chirrupings began to mingle with his retreating thunder.