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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Chirp \Chirp\, v. i. [imp. & p. p. Chirped; p. pr. & vb. n. Chirping.] [Of imitative orgin. Cf. Chirk, Chipper, Cheep, Chirm, Chirrup.] To make a shop, sharp, cheerful, as of small birds or crickets.


vb. (en-past of: chirp)

Usage examples of "chirped".

You're the little lad who chirped so happily in any language he heard.

TE chirped in Standard, since his sign language was useless in the dark.

Narrow Leg chirped, having carried on his argument with Big Voice while Keff and Carialle were conferring, "there is undoubtedly little that they do not already know about the theory of space travel.

Beyond them, their dragonets roused from a doze and chirped in empathic anxiety.

One of them, Lessa didn't know whose, since they all looked alike to her, chirped as if in thanks.

The queen chuckled and chirped at her, and then crooned as yet another fledgling spread its wings and began to totter towards sure death.

Rocky chirped back, recognizing that remarks were being made about him.

The fire lizards chirped sympathetically at her from the window ledge outside her fast-shuttered room.

Beauty chirped questioningly in her ear and then stroked her head against Menolly's cheek, the perfumed salve a sweetness in Menolly's nostrils.

Zair, who'd been cleaning himself, chirped in a querying way, tilting his head and peering with earnestly whirling eyes at his friend.

She chirped at Kimi and Beauty, disdaining the two bronzes, and flitted out of the cavern, the other four fire lizards right behind her.

He stroked Farli, who chirped again, her unblinking eyes still on the screen.

Zair, curled up comfortably in the furs by the Harper's feet and looking considerably more bronze than tan, chirped a protest.

Kisk reared her head and chirped mournfully to Kindan until he reached up and scratched her eyeridges, saying, "It's all right, they're just proud of your good manners.

Then she chirped a happy acknowledgment and butted Nuella in search of affection.