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Chipped beef

Chipped beef is thinly sliced or pressed salted and dried beef. Some makers smoke the dried beef for more flavor. The modern product consists of small, thin, flexible leaves of partially dried beef, generally sold compressed together in jars or flat in plastic packets. The processed meat producer Hormel once described it as "an air-dried product that is similar to bresaola, but not as tasty."

Usage examples of "chipped beef".

The cleaners know what I like --Stouffer's frozen dinners, especially that boil-in-the-bag stuff they call creamed chipped beef and Ma always called shit on a shingle, frozen strawberries, whole milk, preformed hamburger patties that you just have to slap in a hot frying pan (I hate playing with raw meat), Dole puddings, the ones that come in plastic cups (bad for my complexion but I love em), ordinary food like that.

A little while ago, a guard had thrown in a mess kit with some chipped beef on toast - “.

I hated boiling-bag suppers, but the worst was the creamed chipped beef.

Walker thought chipped beef on toast was a treat for months until the other recruits teased him out of it.

Hay and, perhaps, Martha, too, but as for me -- ah, my passion for crudely chipped beef is still remembered in this house.

When each man had an aluminum tray full of creamed chipped beef on toast, also known as SOS-shit on a shingle-they looked for two seats in the wardroom.

Susan ladled chipped beef and peppery milk gravy over six buttered toast points.

He stood by the mess tent at the southern end of the camp, eating a boiled-potato sandwich (with mustard) and scowling at the other men who were hastily consuming creamed chipped beef on toast and cling peaches.

Patrick Hogan of C Company was distributing offi-cers' shoulder boards, while Cyrus Matthews was cramming his face with a nauseating mix of dried apple and chipped beef.

They marched out into the countryside and pitched pup tents, dug straddle trenches for latrines, and ate the Army's favorite meal for troops in the field, creamed chipped beef on toast, universally known as SOS, or Shit on a Shingle.

He looks down at his chipped beef on toast, but he has lost his appetite.