Crossword clues for chipewyan
The Chipewyan (Denésoliné or Dënesųłiné – "People of the barrens") are an aboriginal Dene people of the Athabaskan-speaking ethnolinguistic group, whose ancestors were the peoples who left the archaeological traces of the Taltheilei Shale Tradition. They are part of the Northern Athabascan group of peoples. They were located generally in Western Canada.
The French-speaking missionaries to the northwest of the Red River Colony referred to the Chipewyan people as Montagnais in their documents written in French. Montagnais (in French) therefore has often been mistakenly translated to Montagnais (in English), which refers to the Innu of northern Quebec, and not the Dene (Chipewyan people).
Usage examples of "chipewyan".
I am assured by the best interpreters in the country, that it bears no affinity to the Cree, Sioux, or Chipewyan languages.
We here saw two hunters who were Chipewyan half-breeds, and made many inquiries of them respecting the countries we expected to visit, but we found them quite ignorant of every part beyond the Athabasca Lake.
We next crossed the Cascade Portage, which is the last on the way to the Athabasca Lake, and soon afterwards came to some Indian tents, containing five families, belonging to the Chipewyan tribe.
We put up at the end of thirteen miles, and were then joined by a Chipewyan, who came, as we supposed, to serve as our guide to Pierre au Calumet, but as none of the party could communicate with our new friend, otherwise than by signs, we waited patiently until the morning to see what he intended to do.
Indian lodges, which belonged to an old Chipewyan chief, named the Sun, and his family, consisting of five hunters, their wives, and children.
Stuart assured us that the addition of three persons would not be materially felt in their large family at Chipewyan, we determined on proceeding thither, and fixed on the 22d for our departure.
Company usually assemble at Fort Chipewyan, where we hoped the necessary arrangements for our future proceedings would be completed.
He was carrying meat from some Indian lodges to Fort Chipewyan, having a burden exceeding two hundred and fifty pounds on his sledge, which was dragged by two miserable dogs.
Just as he had finished, an old Chipewyan Indian named Black Meat, unexpectedly came in, and instantly recognised the plan.
To preserve its life he descended to the office of nurse, so degrading in the eyes of a Chipewyan, as partaking of the duties of a woman.
River, and who deduce their origin from the west, which is the more remarkable, as they speak a dialect of the Chipewyan language.
Fort Chipewyan, during our residence, with her son, a little boy, about ten years old, both of whom had been deserted by their relations, and left in an encampment, when much reduced by sickness: two or three days after their departure the woman gained a little strength, and with the assistance of the boy, was enabled to paddle a canoe to the fishing station of this post, where they were supported for some days, until they were enabled to proceed in search of some other relations, who, they expected, would treat them with more kindness.
It was evident, however, that any unnecessary delay here would have been very imprudent, as Fort Chipewyan did not, at the present time, furnish the means of subsistence for so large a party, much less was there a prospect of our receiving any supply to carry us forward.
Franklin, dated March 28th, at Fort Chipewyan, where he was engaged procuring hunters and interpreters.
Thus were we unexpectedly deprived of the most essential of our stores, for we knew Fort Chipewyan to be destitute of provisions, and that Mr.