China Blue is a 2005 documentary film directed by Micha Peled. It follows the life of Jasmine Li, a young seventeen-year-old worker from Sichuan province, in a Chinese jeans factory, Lifeng Clothes Factory (丽锋服饰制衣有限公司) in Shaxi, Guangdong Lifeng Clothes Company:
- Lifeng Factory (archived copy 2003)
- Lifeng Factory (archived copy 2007) producing Vigaze Jeans (a company based in Istanbul, Turkey ), hence the title. Jasmine earned about half a yuan for one hour's work (which amounted to about six US cents).
The documentary discusses both the sweatshop conditions in factories in China and the growing importance of China as an exporting country on a global scale.
At the 2005 Amnesty International film festival, it won the Amnesty International-DOEN Award. In April 2007 China Blue aired on the award winning PBS series Independent Lens.
Usage examples of "china blue".
This one even had a copy of the movie star's Playboy centerfold from 1953 skillfully painted on the nose, but the eyes looking down from the stealthy UAV were electronic and multi-spectrum rather than china blue.
It was Lonigan with his flushed and shining face, and china blue eyes.