Chimalgi is a village in Bijapur district, Karnataka state, India. When Alamatti dam was built across the Krishna River became fully functional, the village submerged in its backwaters. Government has rehabilitated the original residents of the village to a new place in the same district (Bijapur). Now the place is called New Chimalgi.
Most of the inhabitants of this village are found to be devotees of Lord Anjaneya, due to its geographical closeness to Yalgur. Yalgur houses one of the very famous Hanuman temples in the region.
Most of the original residents of the village carry their last name as Chimalgi. The educated among them have migrated to places like Hubli, Dharwad, Pune, Bombay, Gulbarga and to Bangalore for better prospects.
Chimalgi Village was known for its age old Ram Temple which was build by Kohlapur King, now it is shifted with in New Chimalgi Village.