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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
▪ The corollary to this is the claim that bureaucracy in police stations is chimerical.
The Collaborative International Dictionary

Chimerical \Chi*mer"ic*al\, a. Merely imaginary; fanciful; fantastic; wildly or vainly conceived; having, or capable of having, no existence except in thought; as, chimerical projects.

Syn: Imaginary; fanciful; fantastic; wild; unfounded; vain; deceitful; delusive.

Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary

1630s, from chimera + -ical. Related: Chimeric (1650s).


a. 1 Of or pertaining to a chimera. 2 Being a figment of the imagination; fantastic (in the archaic sense). 3 Inherently fantastic; wildly fanciful. 4 Resulting from the expression of two or more genes that originally coded for separate proteins.

  1. adj. being or relating to or like a chimera; "his Utopia is not as chimeric commonwealth but a practical improvement on what already exists"- Doublas Bush [syn: chimeric, chimeral]

  2. produced by a wildly fanciful imagination; "his Utopia is not a chimerical commonwealth but a practical improvement on what already exists"- Douglas Bush

Usage examples of "chimerical".

The nurse, well skilled in the mysteries of her occupation, persuades the patient, that her malady, far from being slight or chimerical, may proceed to a very dangerous degree of the hysterical affection, unless it be nipt in the bud by some very effectual remedy.

The science that pretends to deduce principles from particular facts, or to rise from the fact by way of reasoning to an order that transcends facts, and in which facts have their origin, is undoubtedly chimerical, and as against that the positivists are unquestionably right.

Larkin entered pointedly and briefly into Miss Lake's offer, which he characterised as 'wholly nugatory, illusory, and chimerical.

The vicar's reversion, a very chimerical contingency, he would by no means consent to sell.

He found Amanda among the fallen, her head hanging halfway off the edge of the veranda, where she had crawled sometime during the boisterous interminable night, the planks of the floor actually inclining uphill all the way, head changing size with each breath, body bathed in a foul sweat, and quite relieved when the real vomiting finally began, then alarmed when it wouldn't stop, emptiness emptying itself, muscles quaking, tears running freely from her burning eyes, she could hear the pigs under the longhouse rooting excitedly among the unexpected treasures of her stomach, and then nothing until the chimerical voice of her husband, his familiar hand on her shoulder, raising her into his arms, and back to the room with their stuff in it, and when next the lids of her eyes became unglued, Drake was standing over her stark naked but for a filthy scrap of Pekit cloth.

As the sun sets, chimerical archipelagos of fleece are scudded southward where they pile up in gold and russet against the flanks of the high mountains.

To keep it from his daughter till she should be stronger, seemed to him chimerical, impossible.

If, on the contrary, you prefer a government without strength, Monarchical or Republican, borrowed I know not from what past, or from what chimerical future, answer in the negative.

To the regret of the true believers, the majority of the witnesses to chimerical events were alone at the time of their experience.

He had formed and rejected many plans: he had deluded himself, like all men of imagination, with innumerable chimerical projects, and now he found himself quite unprepared.

Caught in some profane, chimerical dance, the thing shifted shape repeatedly, each form battling with another to gain sovereignty in this new plane of existence.

Madame Cornelis, who was constrained in Pauline's presence, took me aside to express her gratitude and to communicate to me some chimerical schemes of hers which were soon to make her rich.

My conception of time, my ability to distinguish between consecutiveness and simultaneousness - seemed subtly disordered so that I formed chimerical notions about living in one age and casting one's mind all over etenity for knowledge of past and future ages.

Around me, with Cresson as a center, stretched an irregular circumference of mountain, with possibly a ten-mile radius, and in it I was to find the residence of a woman whose first name I did not know, and a man who, so far, had been a purely chimerical person.

He admitted, -- it is thus, by a series of successive admissions of ourselves in regard to ourselves, that life amends us, little by little, -- he admitted the chimerical and visionary side of his nature, a sort of internal cloud peculiar to many organizations, and which, in paroxysms of passion and sorrow, dilates as the temperature of the soul changes, and invades the entire man, to such a degree as to render him nothing more than a conscience bathed in a mist.