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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Chilling \Chill"ing\, a. Making chilly or cold; depressing; discouraging; cold; distant; as, a chilling breeze; a chilling manner. -- Chill"ing"ly, adv.


adv. In a chilling manner.

Usage examples of "chillingly".

He was aware of a vein pulsing across his temple, the livid scar flaring from the chillingly pale blue eye, down to the right corner of his thin-lipped mouth.

He had a chillingly pale blue eye, the left one hidden beneath a patch of dark leather.

There had been fever dreams, childhood nightmares that had woken him screaming for Elysia, but never anything as chillingly vivid as this.

Almost always gotten on impulse, tattoos are vividly, chillingly permanent.

Takes out the clip and hefts it and rams it home in its slot at the base of the grip with a chillingly solid-sounding click.

He preached, he reproved, he set unreasonable penances, he stared chillingly out of his three huge orbs, he waggled a flexible finger or windmilled all four arms or sent his blobby green countenance through the most hideous contortions as he quacked about what transgressors we were.

It was the most ludicrous pose, I recall, for she looked chillingly formal almost, save for the glaring fact that she had her right leg acrobatically wedged up over her shoulder and curling behind her head!

The facility was small but complete, with a couple of examining rooms, private rooms, cells for treating prisoners and guarded witnesses, a surgery, and a closed door labeled, chillingly, Interrogation Chemistry Laboratory.

I suspect those aren’t harassments, they’re tactics employed in a chillingly subtle strategy.

A new radio burst is arriving, on a chillingly familiar frequency.

Only Aldous Huxley ever wrote a scenario for social stratification that was completely, if chillingly, self-consistent and stable.

Close-up, the purpose of the sting-like protrusion at the front of the turret head was chillingly plain.