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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Chilliness \Chill"i*ness\, n.

  1. A state or sensation of being chilly; a disagreeable sensation of coldness.

  2. A moderate degree of coldness; disagreeable coldness or rawness; as, the chilliness of the air.

  3. Formality; lack of warmth.


n. The state or sensation of being chilly; a disagreeable sensation of coldness.


n. the property of being moderately cold; "the chilliness of early morning" [syn: coolness]

Usage examples of "chilliness".

Experiments with alcohol in extreme cold tell the like story, while the chilliness of the body which succeeds upon even a moderate excess of alcoholic indulgence leads directly to the same indication of truth.

It is not even certain that you are moving at all, the flows of chilliness against your face may be the deep-sea currents, and your car, like some sluggish electric fish, may be sitting steadily upon the bottom of the Sea, staring in front of her with the glaring eyes of her lamps, and letting the submarine life pass by her.

He must toast his slippers a long while, in order to get rid of the chilliness which the air of this vile old house has sent curdling through his veins.

Her skills were formidable, but there was a contagious chilliness about her manner of doing it that rendered me a mere screwing machine, a restless piston endlessly ramming a cylinder, so that I copulated without pleasure and almost without sensation.