Crossword clues for childishly
The Collaborative International Dictionary
Childishly \Child"ish*ly\, adv. In the manner of a child; in a trifling way; in a weak or foolish manner.
adv. In a childish manner.
adv. in a child-like manner; "he acted very childishly"
Usage examples of "childishly".
Staring over the railing of tragedy into that misty valley of the recent past where Henry can still be spied, Emmeline fails to notice Agnes nodding childishly, electrified by this apparent admission of supernatural powers.
Curran had gone for a walk, childishly and foolhardily still clutching the singleton container of the Duke.
I want him to yadder childishly to me about the binomial theorem after breakfast.
Those callers who out of unconscious habit succumbed to fuguelike doodling or pants-crease-adjustment now came off looking rude, absentminded, or childishly self-absorbed.
For him the world was a great conundrum or a series of puzzle boxes and he a disinterested yet childishly sensitive and enthusiastic observer trying to unriddle them.
It suddenly occurred to him that he had thought of Donal as very young, childishly young.
It was a childishly simple-minded attack, instantly comprehensible and thus appealing to the city mob.
Shaking with reaction to her frightening experience, Aramina slumped against the nearest bulge-nut tree, clasping it for support and trying not to weep so childishly.
I knew, of course, it was but an innocent game on her part, a bit of backfisch foolery in imitation of some simulacrum of fake romance, and since (as the psychotherapist, as well as the rapist, will tell you) the limits and rules of such girlish games are fluid, or at least too childishly subtle for the senior partner to graspI was dreadfully afraid I might go too far and cause her to start back in revulsion and terror.
Pattie, it seemed, had found the true love of her life in Bittie MacLeod and they wouldn't have known Bittie was also aboard except that Pattie came rushing down the stairs to the heliport to kiss him a childishly tearful goodbye.
It's a product of his upbringing, too- he has no real moral training as a child, only strict threats of punishment, so he forms childishly harsh, absolute ideas of right and wrong for himself.
So she, her still-warm six-gun, and the childishly written arrest warrant came along ladylike, and in no time at all Longarm had her seated in the only chair on their side of the cluttered desk in the smoke-filled oak-paneled office of Marshal William Vail of the Denver District Court.
I saw how Cang was still something of a child, using the excuse of her daughter to play childishly.
I clung childishly to the trodden paths, for life has a most disappointin' way of proving commonplace and rational when we are hopin' most passionately for the bizarre and supernatural.
In places an ink eraser had been carefully used, and while there were no misspellings, the letters were large and childishly made, drawn rather than written.