Crossword clues for childish
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
The Collaborative International Dictionary
Childish \Child"ish\ (ch[imac]ld"[i^]sh), a.
Of, pertaining to, befitting, or resembling, a child. ``Childish innocence.''
Puerile; trifling; weak.
Methinks that simplicity in her countenance is rather childish than innocent.
--Addison.Note: Childish, as applied to persons who are grown up, is in a disparaging sense; as, a childish temper.
Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary
Old English cildisc "proper to a child;" see child + -ish. Meaning "puerile, immature, like a child" in a bad sense is from early 15c. Related: Childishly; childishness.
a. 1 Of or suitable for a child. 2 Behaving immaturely.
adj. indicating a lack of maturity; "childish tantrums"; "infantile behavior" [syn: infantile]
Childish can refer to:
- Being like a child
- English writer and musician Billy Childish
- Rapper Childish Gambino
- Act of being petty
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Usage examples of "childish".
German hostility to the Alsatians is shown by a number of childish measures against Alsatian uniforms and costumes, in proportion as they resemble the French.
Surely he had followed in the Bacchic train of distant Arcady, and played on the reeds of myth by forgotten streams, and taught the childish satyrs the art of love?
If I had been counsellor to the basileus, I would have advised him not to recur to such childish machinations.
My brookies and training bras, awkwardly neither childish nor yet grown-up, are brought out and shaken, as if money might fall from their folds.
The Dantean conceptions of Inferno were childish and unworthy of the Divine imagination: fire and torture.
She had a childish face and was short and slender and in addition walked with a pronounced limp, but despite her pallor she kept her chin high and gaze steady as she looked first at Alain and then over the assembled soldiers and local people for whom she was responsible as Count of Lavas.
She thought she might collapse, but she forced herself to totter forward in the wake of Lavinia and Adelheid as they sallied out the door, their curiosity piqued by the childish outburst.
The lord was hardly likely to stoop to clean up after her himself but it gave her a small, childish pleasure to think of him having to call a slave in to do it, and for that slave to intuit the circumstances whereby a significant smear of dogshit had made its way onto the prized furniture of this Istrian noble.
Chapter 8 A childish incident, in which, however, is seen a good-natured disposition in Tom Jones The reader may remember that Mr.
Liber and Libera in March, would dedicate his childish clothes to the household gods, don his toga of manhood for the first time, and then march with his family to the Tabularium for registration.
While the ministry on some occasions exhibited all the external signs of moderation and good humour, they, on others, manifested a spirit of jealousy and resentment which seems to have been childish and illiberal.
Little Meriem still played with Geeka, lavishing all her childish love upon the now almost hopeless ruin of what had never, even in its palmiest days, possessed even a slight degree of loveliness.
While he was taking her pressure, the widow observed the dial on the sphygmomanometer with a childish curiosity.
We accuse ourselves to the confessor, for we know it is a sin, but he treats it as a childish fault, and absolves us without imposing any penances.
He stood and watched with pleasure while Clara and Heidi ate their appetising meal with childish hunger and enjoyment.